Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 12: Bayhorse Lake

Kevin set his alarm for 6 am so that he could catch sunrise and hopefully some fish down at the lake this morning. I stayed in bed while he bundled up to head out and was still asleep when he returned an hour or so later saying it was too cloudy to see the sunrise and that it was too shallow around the lake to catch any good fish. So, he crawled back under the covers and we slept some more. 

When we awoke, all of the campers at the other sites had already left or were breaking down their sites, and by lunch time we were the only ones left at the campground. It was a little unsettling to go from a packed campground to a completely empty one--especially at the top of a hill/mountain--but the quiet and isolation is what we were initially expecting when we drove up here, so it felt normal soon enough. 

We decided to spend the day sticking around the campsite and enjoying the amazing breezes that rush through every few minutes, so before long I was settled in the hammock and then the Scamp to read while Kevin worked on building another bench for this campsite. 

When I woke up from a short nap, Kevin asked me to join him for a quick walk. About 100 feet from our site Kevin urged me to stand up on a tree stump and wait. Eventually one of those amazing breezes came rushing up the mountainside and all around me the trees that I have come to love out here--the Quaking Aspens--came to life. The Quaking Aspen trees have these tiny heart shaped leaves that quiver and shake in the wind and look almost like confetti as the branches sway. I'm planning to plant one in our backyard this summer. Hopefully it can live in Ohio! 

Just before sunset we decided to take one last walk down to the lake with the dogs. With no one else there, it was so quiet and peaceful. Until Kevin accidentally walked backwards off of the dock. He was completely submerged in the cold lake water for a few seconds until he grabbed my hand and I pulled him out of the water! Thankfully he left both his phone and wallet at the campsite, so nothing was damaged...he was just soaked from head to toe. Needless to say, that quickly put an end to our hike as his teeth started chattering and we raced back to the campsite so he could get changed into dry clothes. Ah! If only there were other campers there to witness the spectacle. Once he got changed and warmed by the fire, all we could do was laugh about the whole event. 

Overall, today was an enjoyable day. Exactly what we needed on day 12 of our trip. It is hard to believe we have been gone for almost two weeks already!

I just wish we could have called our dads for Father's Day today, but we have no service out here! Hopefully we will have service tomorrow when we pack up and head on to our next location. We aren't sure where that will be yet...we will figure it out tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. And then there was that.
    I had so many layers on.
