Monday, June 9, 2014

If You're Happy and You Know It...

We spent last night at the Day Lake Campground in Chequamegon-Nicolet Forest in Wisconsin. We had the entire campground loop to ourselves, and we had quite a view: 

Kevin made stir fry for dinner and I made Chips Ahoy, Marshmallow, and Rolo s'mores for dessert. 

Vegas especially enjoyed swimming in the lake:

What you can't see in these pictures is the swarm of Mosquitos. There. Were. So. Many. Kevin and I felt like we were singing a never-ending version of "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands" in our battle to kill them and stop the madness. Bug Spray and a big campfire helped keep them away, and I was thankful to have the Scamp to retreat to for the night, but I'm sure we were an entertaining sight this morning as we tried to quickly break camp, take care of the dogs, and pack up the truck all while wildly swinging our arms and dashing around as fast as our legs could carry us! 

This morning's drive brought us an unexpected detour to Duluth, Minnesota. We saw the signs for the city and remembered the clever commercials for the Duluth Trading Company clothes, so we decided to check it out. It was chilly enough outside for us to leave the pups in the truck for a bit while we explored downtown Duluth. 

Kevin got another dollar chip to add to his collection at the casino, we had a yummy breakfast, and we made some purchases at the Duluth Trading Company. 

We are currently back on the road. Our next pit-stop is Backus, Minnesota in just a few hours. What's there, you ask? The Scamp Factory! We have decided to stop by since we are so close to see where our home-away-from home was made back in 1985 and to meet the CEO of the company--Kent Eveland. Kevin emailed back and forth with him with questions during the entire restoration process, so it will be nice to put a face with the name! 

We plan to camp somewhere in North Dakota tonight...we will see how far we get today! 

1 comment:

  1. These mosquitoes.... were unreal. Actual swarms. I've never seen anything like.
    Screen door open for 10 seconds..... the walls inside Carmen looked like the inside of a Dexter kill room.
