Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 9: a day at our campsite at the end of Lost Horse Road

Finally. We slept in. It is hard to sleep in when there are two dogs and two humans sleeping in the bed in our Scamp. I sleep well at night, but when the sun streams into the camper and the dogs start wrestling between us all bets are off. Today, though, we made it until 9:30 am! It finally feels like vacation!

While we ate breakfast we made a plan for the day: Spend the morning hiking and the rest of the day enjoying the campsite. So...after changing into hiking gear and applying some bug repellant, off we went. We left Reno in the Scamp since he despises water and we planned to hike around the "Twin Lake" not visible from our campground. 

What a gorgeous hike. We hiked around the entire perimeter of the lake. Scout seemed to enjoy playing along the shore and in the waterfalls. Kevin did too! He even was brave enough to lay down in one of them. Occasionally Kevin would stop to fish and I would find a spot to read while he cast his line into the lake. He didn't get any nibbles, but it sure was fun trying. 
After our hike we headed back to our home-away-from-home where I immediately collapsed into the hammock to read and nap while Kevin worked on making a bench to leave at the campsite for future campers. 

As evening fell upon us, we took one more short hike with both dogs, made dinner, started packing up camp a bit, and sat by the campfire gazing up at the stars until deciding to head to bed for the night. Tomorrow we will reluctantly leave this place in search of another place to call home for a few days. This one is going to be hard to beat! 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, my bad, there's the bench. And yes, it was level ( of course I had a level with me..... C'mon, I'm a professional).

    That place is awesome.
