Friday, July 12, 2013

"We were a thousand miles from nowhere..." -Garth Brooks, "Cheyenne"

After a night in a comfy and cozy bed, we  packed up the truck and got back on the road. We had two destinations in mind: Devil's Tower and Cheyenne. Both are located in the beautiful state of Wyoming. 

Located just across the border from South Dakota, Devil's Tower juts out of the ground and can be seen from miles and miles away. I can see why it is called "Devil's Tower." It freaked me out, especially since I can remember being scared by the scenes of it from the movie  Close Encounters of the Third Kind when I was a kid. At the same time, though, I could see why the Sioux believed that the    Creator lived in that area. Time and time again on this trip I have been awe-struck by the beauty of our planet and this was no exception. 

Kevin liked this stop because we found his favorite ice cream flavor at the Trading Post-Superman!!! So we enjoyed some before getting back on the road. 

During our travels today we also came across the town of Aladdin, Wyoming. Population 15. The General Store was stocked with souvenirs and treats and antiques, and we couldn't resist purchasing a few items (especially since the entire town depends on the only store). 

The majority of our day was spent driving on the roads in Wyoming. We originally planned to camp near Cheyenne for the night. Kevin wanted to see the town since it is mentioned in so many country music songs. When we arrived in Cheyenne we discovered that rainstorms had formed in the area and didn't want to  spend the night in a tent. So...we decided to head on to Black Hawk, Colorado. We plan to spend tonight and tomorrow night in the area exploring Colorado and enjoying the Rocky Mountains. 

We spent most of the day in the car, but the views and deserted roads made the time fly. We really do live in a beautiful country, and I'm glad to have the chance to see so much of it! It was difficult to be so close to Yellowstone and not visit. But Kevin and I plan to make it our destination on our next summer adventure! Ahh! The perks of being teachers! 

Here are some pics of our drive today. We truly felt like we were a thousand miles from nowhere! 

One of my favorite parts of the trip is the spontaneity of it all. We never know what to expect, and a "wrong" turn can actually lead you somewhere great! Like when we had to turn around in a parking lot in the middle of Wyoming and found a man cooking and selling racks of ribs for 10 bucks on the side of the road. They made a delicious lunch as we devoured them as we continued on our way. 

Today's journey has brought us from flat and expansive grasslands: 

To the Rocky Mountains:

More posts to come tomorrow...

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